Gregory Paciga

Gregory Paciga

Scientist by training, Tester by trade
Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics

Email: gregory [at]


NOTE: I am no longer actively working on this app. The SMS service was useful for a time, but there are now more advanced apps such as Transit Now Toronto, which provide information much quicker. I leave this here for historical interest only.

TTC SMS is a simple Android app designed to remember your favourite street car stops and send an SMS text message to the TTC asking for the next streetcar times automatically. The aim is to avoid the problem of having to remember those stop ID numbers. It even provides a database of all streetcar stops in Toronto so if you don't know the ID of a nearby stop, you can look it up and send a text directly from the app.



You can download the TTC SMS app from the Android Market here.

Alternatively, point your phone's browser to the following URL to download the app directly to the phone. (Note that if you get the app this way, you will not get notifications of updates from the Android Market!)